Saturday, February 3, 2024

Pero's Skunkworks Team Member Manual

Pero's Skunkworks Team Member Manual

Here's the "Pero's Skunkworks Team Member Manual, Personal and Professional Development Tasks" that includes step-by-step instructions for the GitHub Repository and Profile Setup, along with adding the GitHub Get Started Guide:

Pero's Skunkworks Team Member Manual

Personal and Professional Development Tasks

1. CV Update on

   - Finalize and polish your CV on Ensure it accurately reflects your current skills, experiences, and professional achievements.

2. Credly Profile Enhancement

   - Update your Credly profile with any new certifications or digital badges you've earned recently. Make sure your profile showcases your continuous learning and professional growth.

Technical and Project Management Tasks

3. GitHub Repository and Profile Setup:

1. Log in to GitHub: If you don't have a GitHub account, sign up for one. If you already have an account, log in using your credentials. 

2. Create a New Repository (If required):    

  • Click on the "+" icon in the upper right corner of the GitHub dashboard.
  • Select "New Repository."
  • Provide a name for your repository, e.g., "MyTechProjects."
  • Choose visibility (public or private) based on your project's needs.
  • Optionally, check the box labeled "Initialize this repository with a README."
  • Click the "Create repository" button.

3. Edit the README File:    

  •  If you checked the "Initialize this repository with a README" box, a file is created automatically. Otherwise, create one by clicking the "Add a README" button in your repository.
  • Open the file in your repository.
  • Edit the content to include a brief introduction about yourself, your technical skills, and your project involvement. You can refer to the "burnt-exe" repository for inspiration.
  • Save your changes.

4. Add Projects:    

  • Create a new folder or directory for each of your technical projects within your repository.
  • Inside each project folder, include a file that provides a clear description of the project, its goals, technologies used, and your role in it.
  • Organize your projects by creating a separate folder for each project and its associated README file.

5. Commit and Push:    

  • After editing the README and adding project folders, commit your changes by providing a commit message that describes the changes made.
  • Push the changes to your GitHub repository.

6. Profile Customization:    

  • Navigate to your GitHub profile.
  • Click on the "Edit profile" button.
  • Update your profile picture, add a bio, and provide details about your professional background and interests.
  • 7. Link Your Repository:    
  • In your profile, you can add a link to your repository in the "Pinned" section to showcase your projects on your profile page.

4. Generative AI Course Outline:

1. Select a Topic:    

  • Choose an IT topic for your course outline. Ensure it's a subject you are knowledgeable about and passionate about teaching.


1. Outline Structure:   

  • Decide on the structure of your course outline. Typically, it includes course objectives, module summaries, and expected learning outcomes.

3. Research and Content Creation:

  •     Utilize generative AI tools or your expertise to create the course outline content.
  •    Write clear and concise course objectives that describe what students will learn.
  •    Create module summaries that provide an overview of each section of the course.
  •    Define expected learning outcomes for each module.

4. Review and Refine: 

  • Review your course outline to ensure it's well-structured, coherent, and aligns with your chosen IT topic.
  • Make necessary adjustments and refinements.

5. Share and Store:

  • Save your course outline in a format that can be easily shared with team members or stakeholders.
  • Consider using cloud storage or a collaboration platform to store and share the document securely.

6. Collaborate and Discuss:

  • Share the course outline with relevant team members or stakeholders for feedback and discussion.
  • Incorporate any suggested improvements or changes.

7. Finalize and Document:

  • Make final revisions based on feedback and discussions.
  • Store the finalized course outline in a location accessible to the team for future reference.

> [!Summary]

> Completing these steps will help you set up your GitHub repository and profile, as well as draft a comprehensive outline for your IT course. Remember to prioritize clear documentation and organization to effectively showcase your technical skills and project involvement.


Communication and Collaboration Tasks

Monday Lunchtime Meeting Confirmation

  • Confirm your availability for the crucial meeting scheduled for Monday lunchtime. Ensure you have noted the time and any preparation required on your part.

Contact Information Verification

  • Double-check and confirm your contact details, including your phone number and email address, to ensure seamless communication.


Additional Responsibilities

7. Hello World Project Submission (Optional)

  • Complete a simple "Hello World" project in a programming language of your choice.
  • Push this project to your GitHub repository to demonstrate your ability to use version control systems.

9. Personal Introduction Video (Optional)

  • Record a brief video introducing yourself, your professional background, and your goals for this project.
  • Upload this video to a shared drive (details to be provided) for team members to view.


Important Notes:

  • Each task is designed to contribute to both your personal and professional development, as well as to the overall success of the project.
  • Please prioritize tasks according to their complexity and the time you estimate they will take to complete.
  • If you encounter any difficulties or require clarification on any task, do not hesitate to reach out to the project coordinator or your team lead.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Ensure all digital submissions are correctly named with your full name and the task title, e.g., "John_Doe_CV_Kickresume."
  • Confirm your participation in the Monday lunchtime meeting through the designated communication channel.
  • All tasks must be completed and submitted by 9:00 AM on Monday, 5th February 2024.

This comprehensive task list provides you with step-by-step instructions for each task, including setting up your GitHub repository and profile using the GitHub Get Started guide. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance.


Showing and Uploading Tasks to Your GitHub Repository

1. Access Your GitHub Repository:

  • Log in to your GitHub account and navigate to the repository where you want to upload your tasks.

2. Create a New Branch (Optional):

  • It's a good practice to create a new branch for each task or feature to keep your changes separate from the main branch (usually named "main" or "master"). To create a new branch:
  • Click on the dropdown that displays the current branch (usually "main").
  • Type a branch name related to the task, e.g., "task-update-CV."
  • Click the "Create branch" button.

3. Upload Files for Each Task:

  • For each task, create a dedicated folder or directory within your repository to keep everything organized. You can name these folders based on the task or use a naming convention that makes sense to you.
  • Inside each task folder, upload the relevant files. For example, for the "CV Update on" task, you might have a folder named "task-update-CV" and upload your updated CV document there.
  • Similarly, create folders and upload files for other tasks, keeping each task's content separate.

4. Commit Changes:

  • After uploading files for a task, you need to commit your changes. Here's how to do it:
  • On your repository's main page, click the "Add file" button.
  • Choose "Upload files" from the dropdown menu.
  • Drag and drop the files from your computer or use the file selector to locate and select the files you want to upload.
  • In the "Commit changes" section, provide a clear and concise commit message describing the task or changes made.
  • If you're working in a new branch, make sure the branch you created earlier is selected.

5. Commit to the New Branch (If Applicable):

  • If you created a new branch for the task, ensure that your commit is made to that branch. This helps in keeping changes organized.

6. Repeat for Each Task:

  • Follow the same process for each task, creating a dedicated folder for it, uploading relevant files, and committing the changes.

7. Push Your Changes:

  • After committing changes for all tasks or each task, it's time to push your changes to the remote repository. To do this:
  • Click the "Commit changes" button.
  • If you're working in a new branch, GitHub will provide a link to create a pull request. Follow this link to create a pull request for your changes to be merged into the main branch when they are reviewed.

8. Review Your Work (Optional):

  • You can review your changes on the GitHub website by navigating to your repository and selecting the branch or pull request you've created. This allows you to ensure that everything is uploaded correctly.

9. Submit the Pull Request (If Applicable):

  • If you worked in a new branch, create a pull request for your changes to be reviewed and merged into the main branch.
  • Provide any necessary comments or explanations in the pull request description.

10. Confirmation:

  •  Once your pull request is reviewed and approved by the relevant team members, your changes will be merged into the main branch.

By following these steps, you can effectively show and upload all the tasks given to your GitHub repository, ensuring that your work is well-organized and ready for review and collaboration with your team.


Learning Links - free courses & free certifications

  • [Code Academy](
  • [Coursera](
  • [IBM Developer](
  • [IBM Web Lectures](
  • [Cognitive Class](
  • [ISC2 Candidate](
  • [Cloud Computing Training & Classes - Training and Certification - AWS (](
  • [Meta Certification: Professional certificate exams from Meta | Meta for Business (](
  • [Skillshop](
  • [skills/introduction-to-github: Get started using GitHub in less than an hour.](
  • [Center for Cloud Training - IBM Training](
  • [Oracle MyLearn](
  • [My Account > My Training, | Dell Technologies Education Service](
  • [Your guide to creating your course curriculum. (](
  • [Azure documentation | Microsoft Learn](
  • [Security Learning Academy](


Contact me

GitHub: [burnt-exe (Raydo Matthee) (](

Blog: - [Skunkworks Insights](

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